Egypt research 2

index Egypt New Explorer Entrance Doorway Egypt research 1 Harmonic Initiates Path 2008


Harmonics of the Great Pyramids of Giza & their connection with the Sphinx & an earlier civilization!


Over the years there has been much speculation as to the timetable of when the Pyramids and Sphinx were built! And yet no one has ever put the puzzle together completely.

Before we attempt to build the big picture for you we need to explain how we time date using the harmonics from the geometry of the pyramid's 3 main chambers that we are aware of at this time.

The harmonics of the Chambers of the Cheops Pyramid are as follows:


The harmonics after the necessary equation is applied show us that this chamber uses a .16666 type.

This means that the energy harmonics needed to activate the responses of the chamber must be in the .16666 range of resonance. These resonance's are present in all areas of the universe and can be found in many areas of this world. From mineral to plant and so on.

What also can be found are 2 other types that make up our world. The .3333 type and the ones known as the integer scales. As we live in a 3 dimensional world we therefore must also accept that there are 3 types of energies that make up that dimension within our known universe. Once you know the equation to reveal them then the study of not only their relevance to atomic compatibility becomes apparent but also many other areas, from the ability to create antigravity to communication over vast distances in space. After all! Is it not human arrogance to think that other more intelligent life forms in the universe would STILL be using a process as primitive as radio waves. Imagine if you will the possibilities of communicating with someone over half a billion light years away in a fraction of a millisecond. We must after all learn to go beyond just tapping the wire in order for the signal to reach a specified distance whether it be in the form of a physical tap or an electronic one and learn how to affect the whole wire at the same time. Much like if I pull you feel the tug at the same time that I pull. Well these harmonic scales that we have found inside the pyramid do just that!

Remember how I said that we have 3 types. Well you have seen type one . Have a look at this.

QUEENS CHAMBER = LENGTH..17 FEET. WIDTH..18 FEET. HEIGHT AT APEX...20 FEET. The harmonic type for this chamber is type .3333.


The harmonic type is the integer range. (ie: .00, .25, etc.).

So here we see all 3 types of energies present. One for each chamber. Now! Within each we find that there are 6 scales of the specific type. Each is either capable of opening or closing doorways into what we now know of as dimensions of time.

We know that time and space must exist together, as one cannot exist without the other. So that being the case if you knew of a way to manipulate the magnetic forces that bind time and space together then....... I will leave that to your own possible analysis.

As for 'coincidence' being the cause that these chambers happen to have the 3 types one in each! I think not!


Here is the reason why!

360 degrees of rotation gives us 24 hours so 1 degree equals 4 minutes. (24hrs/60mins=1440mins 1440mins/360 degrees=4mins so 1 degree equals 4 minutes!) Now! We know from research that 1 octave of sound equals 16mins or 4 degrees of rotation so  (Pyramid side base to apex angle) is equal to 13 octaves of sound or 52 degrees = 208mins of rotation or 52 x 4. This is showing us an amazing alignment of both harmonics and sound in relation to the rotation of the earth at its axis. Energy harmonics is a precise science and requires precise calculations and alignment for it to work!

The alignment of both the chambers and the pyramid itself are accurate to an amazing degree!

But we could take this even further!

For we know from records that the ancient civilization that once existed, were aware of what the benefits were of being in harmony with the magnetic field surrounding not only this planet but the universe as a whole, for it is that same force that holds all the systems in balance. Play with the balance and you have chaos! No matter how small or large the influence may be. This same harmonic system can be used to plot the events of the planet back as far as we like. And then observe the corresponding human events to see if there is a pattern. "THERE IS!" And what's more we now know that even though others have made calculations that the belt of Orion is aligned to the Pyramids and that the last time it was in the heavens and capable of being in the right place to match the pyramids position as being around 10,500 BC. We know that even though the facts of that case point to that time. The harmonic table shows us that the last flood inundated the area until 10,685 BC. This would mean that if there is sea salt deposit inside the Queens chamber then the structure must have been there before the flood. That if using the Orion theory would place the building of the pyramids somewhere around 39,900 BC. That would also explain other statements regarding erosion of the cliffs around the Sphinx. I ask you to think about ocean wave action and possible run-off as the oceans receded from the higher plateau above the Sphinx.

Well that is not really out of the question as we should always remember that ancient camping sites of Aboriginal People have been found in Australia as far back as 110,000BC. These sites show a thriving culture and much more but what is interesting is the sedimentary shell line above the find. And also remains of sea shells as part of their diet. After all the site has been found hundreds of miles from the present coastline!  So is it further possible that the Pyramids are older than even we can imagine.

We will soon find out!!!

Part 3

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