Engine Promotions

Search engine promotions are an integral part of an internet presence. You want people to find you and if your web site is not profiled and promoted it cannot be found by the worlds automated search engine robots. It is also vital to have scripts on your site that robots can use for directives so they know what to do when they get there at your home page.

Many sites today are appearing in flash format which are not profiled friendly , have no tags, descriptor sets or robot scripts. So is it any wonder you cannot be found by standard search engine methods.

That’s where this system we have setup comes into play. We can check your site remotely for all that is required then send you an email with what needs to be done to fix it and then once done your site will then be submitted to the world of search engines and directories out there so that folks can find you.

All for £30.

Its worth it to find out if you are ready! And you can be seen.

And remember flash alone will not do it! Flash should be used inside another design program like Dreamweaver or Netobjects. That way all the necessary tag sets can be set properly.

We began back in 1993 writing plain code in html (Hyper text markup language) in word all those years ago and have traveled the road long enough to see sites come and go and all fail for bad design and become discouraged simply through lack of sales or other reasons. It is important to have your site submitted on search engines on a regular basis or like many lists today due to the huge number of web sites listed you can slip down the list so constant updates also are a part in everyday maintenance of a web site.

So if you think we can help just go to the orders page and remember send us your email address so we can chat further and get you out there.

Come join the family and have a great time!

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