kalei healing process

Welcome to the Ka-Lei Techniques.

Here you will eventually be able to listen and watch a variety of presentations of this ancient process plus many other areas associated with this amazing technique.

Much or what you will find here can be applied to your everyday life to improve a whole range of areas.

Plus merchandise to assist you to meditate and improve health and well being!

We will also be covering the influences of geometric shapes and their interactions with us as we move about in our everyday lives. Things also like how to convert a square room into a more energy pleasant space easily and simply will be covered.

Then there is the amazing healing therapy that saved even our own sons life from crippling menigitis to the point whereby the first application serilized the infecting bacteria. All written into his medical records.

Then there are areas about healing the planet and how to do it courses will be made available like healing a valley of a forest fire. This was actually done by one of our students in Arizona USA.

Remember that these techniques are thousands of years old and very sacred!

The first basic steps of Ka-Lei part one.

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